What is The Glowing Self?

The Glowing Self is a safe space for you to explore who you want to be and build on the muscle of self-compassion to get there. Why do I know that loving yourself is the key to unlocking not only your highest potential, but higher quality relationships in all areas of your life? Because I have been there! I think the best coaches, healers, and therapists have done their work and know they are humans in progress. They have dived deep into their internal waters and seen the depths that is their self and know it is an ongoing process. The Glowing Self is beyond a concept, it is also a community where the entirety of all parts of you are welcome.

That’s why I created The Glowing Self, to give you a safe loving container to be YOU. We all deserve to be loved, seen, heard, and accept just as we are. We all have a light and a dark side of us. The idea of The Glowing Self is not to deny the darker more shadowy parts, but rather to embrace and understand our shadow self. It is to be in duality of who we are and full acceptance. It’s taking down the barriers that have come in our path throughout our life that have stopped us from living our fullest most authentic lives. To learn to understand and integrate all parts of ourselves is one of the greatest gifts and paths to wholeness. Your highest and glowing self lives in the place where you are integrated, aligned, attuned, and living the life you were always meant to!

This is a space to explore, expand, and be empowered - join me and the rest of The Glowing Self community as we support each other on the journey back to ourselves.

About Me

Hi - I’m Geri, the Founder of The Glowing Self, and I’m so glad you’re here! I am a fellow human who has been through struggles in life just like you. At my core I have always been a helper and a healer. I was put on this planet to learn from my own trauma to transformation journey and natural ability to help others do the same. Using my own life experiences, education, training, and expertise in the areas of healing to make the world a better place.

I am a Trauma-Informed Somatic Coach, Emotions Specialist, energy healer, intuitive, facilitator, writer, and artist who deeply believes in the power of conversation, curiosity, connection, and compassion. Those are the core principles of my work and how I approach every client I work with and every relationship I’m a part of. My goal is to empower you to live your most authentic life and support you along the way.

Every person’s journey starts as a kiddo and growing up has its challenges! I don’t know a single person who gets out of childhood without some scars. That is why it’s so important to understand those stories and narratives that get embedded along the way. Part of my scar stories are around belonging, familial substance abuse and dysfunction, and feeling “too much” in the ways I operated. I always had a deep desire to figure out why what was happening was happening! That curiosity led to so many paths of heartbreak, repair, and healing. Healing for me started in the mind. It felt safer at first to approach my healing on an intellectual level. It wasn’t until I learned to fuse what was happening in my mind and body that I started to find even deeper levels of peace in my life. Using both eastern and western modalities such as coaching, therapy, acupuncture, breath work, energy healing, somatic work, nervous system regulation, group programs, and more that I was able to unpack my bags and learn more about my “why.” Part of my coaching process is to help you unpack your metaphorical bags while we both navigate what’s in them, reorganize, release, repair, and ultimately find the you you were always meant to be!

My personal journey led to nerding out on all things psychology, healing, and wanting to know how to be the best me possible. I learned that parts of me that may not have been celebrated when I was little are so important and powerful. I am a super empath, a highly sensitive person, and intuitive. Part of my years of experience lead to integrating these aspects of myself to become my ultimate super powers to help others.

To learn more about me and my story please reach out anytime! In the meantime, let’s focus on you, your story, and what you want to accomplish together. Let’s get glowing…